Monday, February 16, 2009

10 Reasons

10 Reasons How I Know I'm Ready for Baby Girl to Come:

1. When my "innie" belly button becomes and "outie".

2. When I need to take a break and sit down in the middle of taking a shower (I need one of those geriatric chairs in there!).

3. When my maternity clothes don't fit me anymore, and I feel more comfortable in Jared's t-shirts and sweatpants (with cuffs rolled up, of course!).

4. When I can't even put my socks on without breaking a sweat.

5. When I start calling Baby by her full name, as if she's in trouble, because her stretching and kicking is causing me pain and discomfort.

6. When I get overly creative about using my toes to reach and grab for things because I just can't be bothered to sit or stand up.

7. When I lay in bed for 5 minutes trying to decide if I should get up and pee, or if I can try to hold it, because the whole ordeal just takes too much effort!

8. When I'm IMing my friends overseas in the middle of the night because I can't sleep.

9. When I'm wishing that the dog or my 2-year-old would be able to make me a cup of tea.

10. When I'm up in the middle of the night coming up with this list and blogging about it!


Anonymous said...

Hi Yvonne

At 35 weeks I can so agree with all the 10 reasons. Mine also includes swollen hands and feet due to the heat ( not a problem for you in the Northern Hempishpere).

Hope that all goes well with the delivery and birth.


rachymayes said...

i had a dream that you and anne delivered your baby today February 20th...on the same day :)