Sunday, September 23, 2012


As a proud mama, I just need to brag!  Joshua scored his first goal at soccer in yesterday's game!  He's been wanting to do this for sooo long now, ever since he started playing in the league a couple of years ago.  So, I'm glad that he was able to kick the goal that he's been waiting for.  This will do wonders for his confidence, and with the rocky start at school, soccer has been the silver lining that we've been looking for.

I'm just bummed that I wasn't there to witness it (I was at a baby shower that morning).  Jared texted me, and I was jumping up and down as if I was there (maybe it was a good thing I wasn't, I would've embarassed the entire family with my happy dance!).  Nevertheless, we celebrated Joshua later that day at dinner, as we always do with small or big accomplishments. 

Just wanted to share!

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